Weil Reza Kushki Nezhad von seinem Menschenrecht auf freie Meinungsäußerung Gebrauch gemacht hat und die Iranischen Proteste von Beginn an unterstützt, wurde er am 15. Dezember des vergangenen Jahres inhaftiert. Bereits in einem vorangegangenen Beitrag habe ich darüber informiert, dass ich die politische Patenschaft für ihn übernommen habe. Aus dem Grund habe ich nun auch den Iranischen Botschafter schriftlich kontaktiert. In meinem Schreiben an ihn fordere ich die sofortige Freilassung von Reza, Informationen über seinen Aufenthaltsort und darüber, wie es ihm ergeht.
Schreiben an den Iranischen Botschafter Mahmoud FARAZANDEH:
Free Reza Kushki Nezhad
Your Highness,
I strongly object to the arrest and sentencing of Reza Kushki Nezhad and in this way express my deepest concern for his life.
Reza Kushki Nezhad, an air force officer in the army in Iran, was detained by the Islamic regime on December 15, 2022. Since the beginning of the protests, Reza has publicly supported the protest on social media, which led to his prosecution in the military court. He is currently in custody and suspended from his job for three months. Reza was first imprisoned in Khoram Abad and then transferred to the Ilam/Hussain Abad prison. He is facing baseless charges with grave consequences.
As you know, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for everyone includes the prohibition of torture (Art. 5), the right to legal protection (Art. 8) and the right to a fair trial (Art. 10) as well as the Presumption of innocence (Article 11) guaranteed. As Mr Reza Kushki Nezhad is under acute threat, I urge you to take action for his life and his immediate release.
With all due respect for the sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Iran, I ask that you convey my concern and the great urgency of the matter to your government. At the same time, please be assured, Your Excellency, that here in the Federal Republic of Germany and with the means at my disposal, I will draw attention to the situation of Mr Reza Kushki Nezhad and a large number of public figures – like me – to other political prisoners in the Islamic Republic of Iran and look at the treatment of these prisoners.
Please let me know how Reza Kushki Nezhad is doing and when he can be expected to be released.
Thank you in advance for your efforts.
Kind regards
Laura Wahl, Member of the Thuringian state parliament